Top 10 sustainable bullet point facts of Desserto’s organic cactus

1. Biodiversity amelioration in the region.
2. Reverts Land Use Change (LUC).
3. Enrichment of soil micro-flora and micro-fauna through native and typical organic cactus afforestation.
4. Huge savings in water as no irrigation is applied.
5. Environmental preservation as no chemicals are used like herbicides or pesticides.
6. Cactus is left unharmed to enable repeated harvesting from the same plant.
7. Energy savings by drying the feed-stock in a solarium.
8. No cross-industry conflict as the byproduct is directed to the food industry in an increased value form which is more attractive, and stimulates the agricultural sector to plant more cactus.
9. Full vision and traceability of the farm to ensure sustainable social practices.
10. Technological enhancements at the fields.
Cactus is a natural carbon sink, it has a great CO2 absorption capacity. From Desserto's 14 acres, they are able to absorb 8,100 tons of CO2/year while at the farm they only generate 15.30 tons of CO2 annually.
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